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Between ($ 2,034.00 - $ 2,670.00)
Motherboard chipset
Motherboard chipset
Processor type
Processor type
Number of front bay HHD/SSD
Number of front bay HHD/SSD
Number of RAM slots
Number of RAM slots
Barebone system SNR-SR1210RE, 1U, AMD EPYC, DDR4, 10xHDD, RPSU
Server platform 1U, up to two AMD EPYC 7001, 7002, 7003, 32xDDR4 RDIMM, 4x2.5" HDD, 2x1000Base-T, two 550W AC PSBarebone system SNR-SR1210RS, 1U, Scalable, DDR4, 10xHDD, RPSU
Server platform 1U, up to two Intel Xeon Scalable processors v1v2, 24xDDR4 RDIMM, 4x2.5" HDD, 2x1000Base-T, two 550W AC PS- Sale